It is known fact that Ram Charan is soon debuting in Bollywood with the remake of prestigious movie Zanjeer and the movie will simultaneously release in Telugu version too. Now, Chiranjeevi who is keeping an eye on Ram Charan forthcoming films has chose Telugu director Yogie (Yogesh Krishna Chandra Maganti) for supervising the Zanjeer Telugu version. Yogie has earlier directed the film Oka Raju Oka Rani and Chintakayala Ravi.
Zanjeer unit has recently wrapped up a schedule in Bangkok where Ram Charan, Mahie Gill, Prakash Raj and other cast partaken in the shoot. Priyanka Chopra is playing the female lead in the Zanjeer directed by Apoorva Lakhi and produced by Amit Mehra.
Zanjeer unit has recently wrapped up a schedule in Bangkok where Ram Charan, Mahie Gill, Prakash Raj and other cast partaken in the shoot. Priyanka Chopra is playing the female lead in the Zanjeer directed by Apoorva Lakhi and produced by Amit Mehra.