Veteran actress Sridevi, who has acted as a child artist and a beautiful glam in many South Indian films, is back with her upcoming trilingual film English Vinglish. Now the actress is in the city Chennai, for the trailer launch of the Tamil version of English Vinglish along with director Gauri Shinde. On this Gauri Shinde tweeted in her twitter page as, “Landed in Chennai..... Off to the Tamil trailer launch English Vinglish but not before I devour some dosa & sambar.” As Cinejocks reported viewers earlier, Thala Ajith has done a cameo for the Tamil and the Telugu version of this entertainer, while Amitabh Bachchan has done it for the Hindi audiences.
Sridevi is playing the role as a typical housewife who strives hard to master in English that also casts Priya Anand in a key role. Gauri Shinde has wielded the megaphone for English Vinglish that is already making vibes and the people are eagerly waiting to see their favorite actress Sridevi on screens and here she comes to meet you all in Chennai today.