Ilayathalapathy Vijay has recently completed the shooting schedules for his upcoming movie Thuppakki, by sizzling with beautiful Kajal Agarwal in Geneva. But the song was not shot by cinematographer Santosh Sivaa ASC, who has beautifully designed the firstlook Posters of Thuppakki. The man behind the lens to can this romantic track is Nataraj well known as Nutty, a famous DOP from Bollywood. Nutty has earlier cranked the camera for Parineetha, Jab We Met, Love Aj Kal et al and for the first time cinematographed Vijay in K-town.
Few sources from Thuppakki crew claimed that, Santosh Sivaa couldn’t provide dates as he was busy with other commitments. Harris Jayraj has composed music notes for AR Murugadoss directed Thuppakki in the production of Kalaipuli S Dhanu under his Gemini Films Circuit banner. Tamil film audiences and Vijay fans are waiting for the firstlook trailers and the audio launch.
Stay with us for the trailer and audio launch details of Vijay’s Thuppakki…..