It’s been long time Anushka has reached the Tollywood big-screens however the actress is here with a couple of back-to-back releases this September and October for the Dussera season. Damarukam, a socio-fantasy film starring Nagarjuna and Anushka is set for a release on October 19. Damarukam is shot expensively with a budget of approximately 40 Crores and the actress will be seen once again romancing the King Nagarjuna. Damarukam is directed by Srinivas Reddy under RR Movie Makers banner.
Next up for release is Siva Thaandavam, a Tamil dubbing film of Thaandavam with Vikram and Anushka in the lead roles. Anushka is said to have done a meaty role in the movie. Siva Thaandavam is set for a release on September 28.
Despite not signing up any Tollywood movies, Anushka is set to entertain her Telugu fans with her Tamil dubbed films such as Karthi's Bad Boys, Arya-Selvaraghavan’s Brindavanam Lo Nandakumarudu et al.
Let’s wait to see if Anushka takes up any Tollywood projects in the coming months.