Actor Arshad Warsi, who will reprise his role of Babban in "Dedh Ishqiya", reveals that the shooting of the film has been postponed once again. It will now go on the floors in January next year. Actress Madhuri Dixit is making a comeback with this film, a sequel to the 2010-hit "Ishqiya". "I have finished three movies, they are going to release whenever they have to. I am chilling now, I was supposed to start shooting for 'Dedh Ishqiya' which has been postponed to January, so I am taking a good time," Arshad Warsi said here Thursday while launching the book "Don't Think of a Blue Ball" by Malti Bhojwani.
"I am off to Canada in about three days, I am on the board of directors for the International Indian Film Festival, Toronto, so I am going there," the 44-year-old added.
Shooting for "Dedh Ishqiya", to be directed by Abhishek Chaubey, was initially supposed to start in September 2011 but was moved forward to November and later February 2012 due to Abhishek's wedding.
Then the news came that the film will go on floors in September this year.