Nagarjuna has now wrapped up the shooting of Shiridi Sai, which is set for a September 6 release. K.Raghavendra Rao directed the film and A.Mahesh Reddy produced it. Nag has currently joined the shooting of Damarukam, where a special mass song on the actor and Charmi is being canned. Though Damarukam shooting has been wrapped up long back, Nagarjuna who has watched the film opined a mass masala song could be added to attract the masses and thus shaped up the special song.
Damarukam will hit the screens on October 12 and Nag who is simultaneously shooting for Dasaradh’s ‘Love Story’ will also kick-start his Bhai to be directed by Veerabhadram Chowdhary and his role in Bhai is said to be the most entertaining.
A multistarrer movie of ANR, Nag and Naga Chaitanya tentatively titled as Trayam will commence in 2013 and Nagarjuna has also signed up films under Bellamkonda Suresh and Durga Arts banner production.