Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Cameraman Ganga tho Rambabu’ has reached the final leg of shooting and is left with songs. A song is currently being canned on Pawan Kalyan at Padmalaya Studios and the shoot will be wrapped up shortly while the other couple of songs will also be wrapped soon. Tamanna is pairing up with Pawan Kalyan in CMGR, touted to be a message-oriented film directed by Puri Jagannadh while it also has all the commercial elements required for Pawan Kalyan fans. Power Star is playing the role of Rambabu, electronic media journalist while Tamanna will be seen as the cameraman.
DVV Danayya is producing Cameraman Ganga tho Rambabu on Universal Media banner and Mani Sharma provided tunes will be launched on September 24 while the movie hits the big-screens on October 11.