Richa Gangopadhayay, who has shared the screen space with handsome actor STR in their latest release Osthe, is now awarded as ‘Fashion Diva’ for her ethnic wear in the movie. Richa happened to attend the Southspin Fashion awards 2012 recently, which has surprisingly made her come home with a beautiful title as ‘Fashion Diva’ for her traditional looks in Simbu starrer Osthi, which is the remake venture of Bollywood blockbuster Dabaang starring Salman Khan and Sonakshi Sinha in the lead roles. On this Richa tweeted, “Thank u Southspin Fashion Awards '12 for giving me the 'Fashion Diva' award for Osthe! a pleasant surprise!”.
Osthe has brought in new offers for Richa Gangopadhayay, who has recently debuted in to Bengali film industry with Bikram Singha, another remake venture of Telugu movie Vikramarkudu directed by Rajamouli. Post this Richa will soon join the sets of Karthi’s Biriyani in the direction of Venkat Prabhu…
Osthe has brought in new offers for Richa Gangopadhayay, who has recently debuted in to Bengali film industry with Bikram Singha, another remake venture of Telugu movie Vikramarkudu directed by Rajamouli. Post this Richa will soon join the sets of Karthi’s Biriyani in the direction of Venkat Prabhu…