Thala Ajith, who is busy shooting for his upcoming untitled venture with Nayantara, Arya, Taapsee and director Vishnuvardhan, is touted to be acting in the sequel of Chandramukhi along with Superstar Rajinikanth. Rajinikanth, who has donned the lead in Chandramukhi is touted to be doing a cameo as himself in this sequel that is entitled as ‘Chandramukhi 2’. The talks are very much on for Chandramukhi 2, but the project is still in its initial stages and might take some time to take shape. Meanwhile Rajinikanth is waiting to release his Kochadaiyaan by the end of this 2012.
Remember Chandramukhi is the launch pad of stunning actress Nayantara in Telugu and Tamil languages, which also casts Jyothika Suriya, Prabhu Ganesan, Nasser, Vadivelu, Vijay Chandar et al in the vital roles. P. Vasu has helmed Chandramukhi, while the complete cast and crew details about its sequel Chandramukhi 2 are expected soon.
Stay with us to know more details about Chandramukhi 2….