Filmmaker Yash Chopra has finally locked a name for his new directorial. The Shah Rukh Khan, Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma-starrer love triangle is titled "Jab Tak Hai Jaan". The title seems to have been inspired from a song of the same name from the 1975 hit film "Sholay". The official announcement of the title was made Tuesday, following months of speculation that it would be called "London Ishq" or "Yaara Silli Silli".
"Jab Tak Hai Jaan" marks the directorial comeback of Chopra, who last helmed the 2004 Shah Rukh, Rani Mukerji and Preity Zinta starrer cross-border romance "Veer-Zaara".
In the new film, Shah Rukh is said to be playing an army officer named Samar, as suggested by first look pictures from the film's shooting in Ladakh in the Jammu and Kashmir region.
The crew has also shot in London and were shooting in the scenic Kashmir Valley till last week.
The film's poster gives a sneak peek into Katrina's feminine look in the film, while it shows Anushka as a rough and tough girl, riding a bike. Shah Rukh sports two looks - a romantic, clean shaven hero look, and another, a grungy, bearded look.
"Jab Tak Hai Jaan" has also brought together the award-winning pair of A.R. Rahman and Gulzar, who are said to have created some wonderful and poetic music for this romantic film.
The movie is set to release this Diwali, Nov 13.