Kajal Agarwal, the stunning beauty of South is getting ready to romance Jeeva after Suriya and Vijay. Yes the actress is reported to be playing the love lead for Jeeva in his upcoming movie Yaan. Bollywood ace cinematographer Ravi K Chandran is turning director for the first time with Jeeva starrer Yaan. Ravi was keen to rope in a B-town glam for Jeeva, but chose Kajal Agarwal who is making big time in South as well as North India. Yaan will be simultaneously made in Hindi and Telugu alongside Tamil, which casts Sanjay Dutt in a vital role.
Yaan will be produced by Elred Kumar that will go on floors soon. Meanwhile Jeeva and Kajal Agarwal are gearing up for the releases of their upcoming movies Mugamoodi, Maatran and Thuppakki et al and also busy with the shootings simultaneously.