Mugamoodi being the first superhero movie in India has huge expectations among audiences, industry people and fans of Jeeva. The unit of Mugamoodi along with producers and actors are heading to Malaysia on Aug 29 as part of the aggressive promotions of the film. Mysskin has helmed Mugamoodi with the compositions of K. casting Jeeva, Pooja Hedge, narain and Nasser in the production of UTV Motion Pictures. Mugamoodi is all set to hit the mega screens on Aug 31 with wide openings worldwide.
It is confirmed by the distributor that Kerala will alone have 50+ screens while Tamil Nadu with 300+ screens, Malaysia with 32 screens and 2 main screens in Singapore.
Mugamoodi will be simultaneously released in the Telugu version by RB Choudhary, father of Jeeva with the title Mask and T.S.K Media is going to release Mugamoodi in Germany. Interestingly Mugamoodi is the 100th film releasing during this 2012 among all the small and big cinemas so far.
Makers are hoping for good response from the viewers, keeping their fingers crossed. Stay glued to the space for the updates on Mugamoodi...