Seems star brothers Suriya and Karthi are supposed to compete with each other on Oct 12th. Yes, it is known that producer KE Gnanavelraja has confirmed the release date of Karthi and Anushka starrer Alex Pandian as Oct 12 and now makers of Suriya’s Maatran have reportedly slated to release the movie same day. Alex Pandian is a masala film taking fast shape in the hands of director Suraaj casting Santhanam, Sanusha, Akanksha Puri and Nikhita Agarwal in the vital roles.
While KV Anand directed Maatran is an action entertainer filmed on the Siamese twin [conjoined twins] with Kajal Agarwal as the female lead for Suriya. Harris Jayraj has beautifully composed music tracks for Suriya starrer Maatran and Devi Sri Prasad is busy scoring tunes for Karthi’s Alex Pandian that is still undergoing shooting.
Studio Greens have planned for Oct 12 release as Alex Pandian will get a solo release and a four weeks run before Diwali, while now it appears to be competing with Maatran being produced by Kalpathi S Aghoram under AGS Entertainments banner and distributed by Eros International.
Stay tuned to know more updates on the details of Karthi’s Alex Pandian and Suriya starrer Maatran…..